I'm guessing back in the days, there used to be. There is absolutely nothing useful available by visiting it. The link mentioned in the error message is obsoleted. I recall seeing this before, but how did I solve it the last time? No recollection, nothing. Get it with "Build Tools for Visual Studio": As I had a newly re-installed Windows 10, pip install failed on a dependency of the library I wanted:Įrror: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. I was tinkering some Python-code and with some googling found a suitable library I wanted to take for a spin. What if your machine doesn't have a C-compiler installed? Yup. The kind having cPython in them needing a C-compiler on your machine to build and subsequent install when the binaries are done. About the latter, read What are wheels? for more information. Some of them are installed as eggs, some as wheels. In Python these external dependencies are installed with command pip.

Every single even remotely useful language depends on extensions, libraries and stuff already written by somebody else you'll be needing to get your code to do its thing. Python, one of the most popular programming languages today.

For latest information, see my 2023 update. Information in this article regarding Python and Visual Studio Build Tools download location is inaccurate. This information has been obsoleted during 2022.